by: Tom Joseph
the fall of 1995, a small three-inch classified ad in the Lakeland Times caught
the eye of several members of the local community, as well as staff at the
North Lakeland Elementary School: For rent, former Youth Conservation Corps
Camp at Statehouse Lake. Contact WI-DNR.
and many others knew a little bit about what had gone on there - it was the
place where teen-aged campers came to work their butts off on civic projects
like building trails and bridges and planting trees. We were all familiar with
the property - it was right across from Skeeter Beach and Rest Lake Park.
Statehouse Lake and the Cross Country Ski Trail named for it ran right through
the property. Here was this huge gem of a natural area about 2 minutes from
downtown Manitowish Waters that so deserved to be preserved as a community asset.
We had to put in a proposal.
formed a steering committee of community and school members. School staff
wanted to use it for outdoor education. Community members had about 8 million
ideas. After many meetings amongst ourselves and with Sue Treb, the school's
administrator, we came up with this basic agreement: the school would make the
lease proposal in its name and the community members promised that whatever
happened at Statehouse Lake would be self-sustaining - it would never cost the
school a dime.
on North Lakeland's excellent reputation and the DNR's confidence that we would
be educating people about nature and that we would responsibly steward the
property - and the fact that we were the only group that put in a proposal - we
were awarded a 15 year lease. The rent was $1/year plus 1 1/2% of our gross
had a name from Bob Kovar, one of our first visionaries: the North Lakeland
Environmental Awareness Center. We had the steering committee but not yet a
formal Board. After much discussion, in the spring of 1996 we incorporated as
the North Lakeland Discovery Center and established a mission statement: to
explore the area's natural, cultural and historic resources. Local artist Sara
Muender did our first logo: a magnifying glass with five different symbols that
could go inside it: a leaf symbolizing nature, a paw print for wildlife, a
canoe for recreation, paint brushes and a musical note for culture, and a
campfire symbolizing community. Eric Matz, then the school principal, was our
first Board President.
first summer of 1996, led by Jan Brewer from the school, we put on a very small
handful of programs including our grand opening, the very first Discovery Day.
I can't remember how many attended, but I know we came away thinking: wow! This
really works. People loved the place and the ethic surrounding it.
1998, we were approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. With the help of
donations and challenge grants from local folks and foundations, we hired our
first Executive Director: Gary Milanowski. Those of us who worked as volunteers
in the early days breathed a sigh of relief...and then another, deeper sigh as
we realized there was so much more to do than Gary could possibly accomplish. Fundraising,
finance, program, and buildings and grounds committees were populated by dedicated
and talented volunteers. From the first, the Discovery Center was both nature
center and community center. We worked hard but we had fun too: our first Board
meetings featured pizza and beer. The last one of the summer was conducted on
Bill and Marilyn Gabert’s pontoon boat.
years flew by. Our staff and budget grew. We got our first computers and
Executive Director Rolf Ethun kept a sledge hammer next to them to keep them
properly tuned. We pioneered truly creative and worthwhile programs like Bob
Kovar’s Intercultural Leadership Initiative and Jim Bokern’s Digital Time
Traveler. An early workshop offering built the beautiful and authentic
birchbark canoe we still have today. We improved our ski, hike and bike trails,
including our state of the art Interpretive trail. With the generous support of
Liz and Dick Uihlein, we gradually improved our main lodge, cabins and other
facilities. Board President Dick Hemming swore he would not leave office until
we had useable winter office space and restrooms, and so our mobile office
building came to the site in 2006.

interns expanded our ability to handle our growing audience, and we became
known as one of the absolute best places in Wisconsin for a young person to
gain hands-on experience with caring and professional mentors.
wasn't always easy. There were a few tense Board meetings where we reached into
our pockets in order to make payroll. We yearned for better year-round
facilities, and yet they were always just a bit beyond our grasp.
with every hardship, we gained strength. Sarah Johnson poured boundless energy and determination into her
position as executive director. Azael Meza succeeded her and leads us today.
Between them, they have brought us to a place of unprecedented financial
stability and programmatic excellence.
the way we have been blessed with so many incredible staff members, board
members volunteers and donors. Many of you are here tonight and I applaud you
and thank you for all you’ve done. I just want to take a minute to recognize
one of our most illustrious board members who is, unfortunately, not with us
any more: former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice William A. Bablitch. I was in
awe of Bill when I first met him, but I quickly learned that he was as friendly
and approachable as he was wise. And, as you might expect from a Supreme Court
Justice, persuasive, too. Bill extracted from me the single largest donation
I’ve ever given anyone anytime. And I thought I was the one doing the asking.
Tonight, in appreciation of Bill, local artist Mindy Schnell has painted this
portrait, which we will proudly hang in our lodge.
where are we today?
a full-time staff of eight plus seasonal staff and a budget of more than
$600,000 annually.
an outdoor learning facility with far-reaching impact known for its creativity
and excellence.
a continued commitment to connect people with nature in ever evolving and
always creative ways.
this year, to a permanent easement with the DNR that has replaced our lease and
gives us the right to use the property forever as long as we continue to pursue
our mission. Let me just pause on this one. To have a permanent right to occupy
our 63 acres and the surrounding trails has long been a goal of the Discovery
Center. We have worked literally for years to make it happen. Finally, this
year, it did. We consider it a testament to the trust and reputation the
Discovery Center has earned from the WI-DNR and from the public. It is one of
the crowning achievements of our 20 years. We no longer have to worry whether
we’ll be here 20 years from now, or 50, or 100.
years - where did they go? In the case of the Discovery Center, to a mission
that will never grow old, an effort that will never end, and, hopefully, the
energy and support of the community that will continue its success long after
we old-timers are gone.
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