by Licia Johnson, Naturalist If you have ever stepped foot in our Nature Nook you know the musky scent that greeted you. Flash the Ferret (a member of the weasel family) has been an amazing member of our Discovery Center family for over five years. He has put a smile on hundreds of visitors to the Discovery Center and was a favorite and essential part of the Nature Nook experience. For the past several months Flash has been treated for a tumor on his pancreas, not an uncommon illness for older ferrets. Earlier this month we had to make the tough decision to put our dear friend to sleep. His frail little ferret body was no longer able to fight the effects of the disease. He was a special critter to many folks and he will be greatly missed here at the Center. Thank you to all of those who visited him, played with him and took him out for his daily walks- he appreciated all the love and attention very much.
On Thursday March 14, Wildlife Ecology
Professor Dr. Eric Anderson will visit the Northwoods and provide a free
evening presentation on “Big Cats: Fact, Fiction and Future.”
Dr. Anderson is active in carnivore research
and education on cougars, bobcat and wolves.
He is author to numerous scientific journal
articles and co-author on several books dealing with carnivores and wildlife
habitat selection. Currently, Anderson and his students are investigating wolf
pup survival in central Wisconsin as well as researching the presence of
cougars throughout the State. Multiple
confirmed sightings and signs in various counties throughout Wisconsin make
this a particularly interesting time to hear from Dr. Anderson on the cougar’s
past, current and future status. The North Lakeland Discovery Center is
hosting Dr. Anderson as the featured presenter in their monthly “Nibbles ‘n’
Knowledge” adult-lecture series. The evening begins with a selection of appetizers
and a cash bar from 5 – 6 pm, with the presentation to follow from 6 – 7 pm.
The evening program will be held at Camp JornYMCA, on Red Feather Road off Highway K in Manitowish Waters. All Discovery Center programs through April
are free of charge, with donations encouraged. Advance registration for all programs is required. Please call
(877) 543-2085 or sign up online